Slow and diverging productivity growth is a matter of global concern. The 2019 Chilean Productivity Workshop aims at gathering researchers interested on issues related to, among others, measuring, understanding and improving the productivity and performance of firms and public services. We are particularly interested in theoretical and applied papers looking at drivers of productivity and evaluation of policies aimed to enhance productivity.
This first version of the workshop is co-organized by the Chilean National Productivity Commission (CNP), Universidad de Chile, Universidad Diego Portales, and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
We are pleased to announce that this year keynote speaker will be John Van Reenen, who is the Gordon Y Billard Professor in Management and Economics and is a jointly appointed Professor of Applied Economics at the MIT Sloan School of Management and in the MIT Department of Economics.
There are funds available to partially cover travel costs and accommodation. Please indicate along with your submission if you wish to apply for them.
On behalf of the scientific committee, we look forward to welcoming all participants of the Workshop to Santiago this upcoming October.
Important dates and general information:
Venue: School of Economics and Business, Universidad de Chile – Santiago-Chile
Workshop date: October 21st, 2019
Paper submission: June 28th, 2019
Notification of acceptance: July 15th, 2019
Submission and any questions may be addressed to Roberto Alvarez at or Raphael Bergoeing at
Scientific Committee: